Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dance baby dance!

I love to dance. Now by all accounts I'm not really...good. I mean I'm a legend in my own mind but the reality of it is frightening. For those of you who have video of me dancing, I'm sorry. although it might have given you hours of amusement, so in that case you're welcome!
On the other hand, I've been told that I'm a great dancer. No those individuals weren't shitfaced...ok maybe slightly drunk, but whatever! They said I was good so I'm assuming they meant it. In a nice way. not a "you really suck but I'm humoring you" way.
I love dancing at home by myself. Which is were I do it most often. there isn't much call at work for dancing. "Hey jen can you leave your cube and come over here? We've got some dance music going and we need you..." I've always loved dancing. and I think I have a pretty good feel for rhythm and movement. I don't know specific steps or anything, I just feel the music. (god that sounds new agey and pukey) But it's true. Good dance music makes you want to dance and have sex. Or just have sex. Either way, it should be sexy and make you want to move.
Friends of mine in college had this terrible apartment. I mean we called it "The Crackhouse". It really was terrible. However, the one redeeming quality about it in my opinion was the kitchen. It was huge as apartments go. Since 4 guys lived there, there was nothing in it. No table, no chairs, just a large open floor. One of them was a musician, so the best music was always playing. (sorry Jimmy, I love you but Steely Dan just doesn't qualify as "good" on any level) I danced so much in that kitchen with a bottle of beer in hand. I loved it. I never felt like it mattered who was watching or what others thought of me. I was usually alone and the guys moved around me. They never told me to stop or get out (which if they had I probably would have understood). One of the other roommates was from Jamaica. Besides being an amazing person, with a rich imagination, he typically had some pot nearby which was a nice break to all the dancing. Those were some good days. I loved being in that house. It was free, and fun and the parties we had were some good times.
There have been many concerts I went to where at the end of the night, my friend Krista and I got a nod or two from the beer drinkin' motorcycle guys...One time, we drove to upstate NY to see The Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies..god knows if they are even still together..but it was great southern blues rock and we loved them (still do) and we danced, and danced all night. (side note, before the show started, we had to suffer through a lot of Aerosmith. We wanted to shoot ourselves.) At the very end of the night, the band had cleared the stage, the house lights were coming up, and Krista was being hit on by some guy at the bar, and I was alone on the floor. Creedence Clearwater came on- "Suzy Q" I love that song. I danced the whole song, in that room, by myself and I didn't give a rats ass who saw me. It felt so good to just enjoy myself without a single care in the world. Much like a child who discovers they have hands. Needless to say the guy at the bar turned out to be a douchebag(as they often are at 2am) and we left. But we will never forget it.
I've danced in my mom's kitchen many times. Mom and I have attempted some moves - which usually I fail at. but by that point it doesn't matter. we're laughing to hard. We get silly.
Usually its at weddings that I get to bust out the dance chops. These days everyone I know is already married. So, its me in my living room dancing to Justin Timberlake or Jay-Z or The Black Crowes. Either way, its an outlet for me to feel sexy and alive and uncluttered.
I need to do it more. I could use a little more sexy in my day to day. :)

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