Sunday, January 24, 2010

One good weekend

Once again I'm going to start this off talking about food. Really its either food or sex with me there isn't much of an in between..

I made a kick ass dinner tonight. One of my oldest friends came by to visit. We never really do much...some of it depends on what we each have for money, but typically our visit involves tea, dinner or lunch depending and dessert. We talk, and talk and catch up. So the menu was like this - tea and cheries to munch on. a trip to Whole Foods, then back home. I had Salmon on hand, so we put that on the George Foreman, string beans and red potatoes steamed in the micro. Then dessert. Yummy tiramisu...So it was a good visit. She's going to be 40 in March. Which is unreal to me because I've known her since I was 21 I think? I'm 36 NOW. It's been a long time. There is that time warp thing again. You blink and you're older even though in spirit you still feel 18.

It was a weekend of seeing good friends - one of my other friends, that I've known since high school came by Saturday night. We hung out and caught up on life. Things are getting better for her, I'm proud of her in many ways. She's much stronger than she ever gives herself credit for. Life can deal you some harsh blows but she's weathered it pretty well.

All in all a great weekend of seeing the ones that I love.

I also had a great day with miss abby. I made a conscious decision to stay home and not go anywhere. Very little tv today. It was all about the toys. We played bingo, colored some pictures, good game of hide and seek, and just ran around. It was fun. She has such an active imagination so I got to watch her really play today. Its nice to take it slow. Not rush around and try to come up with exciting things for them to do. Sometimes the most fun is staying still. Rolling on the floor and laughing. Have I mentioned that her hugs are the best? She just smiles at me and with her huge brown eyes says sooo much. She is amazing. I know all parents feel that way about their kids, but I just can't help but say it.

This is coming from someone who never thought she wanted kids. at all. It's funny my old friend and I were talking about this today. She has always professed to never want children and hates when people chide her for that decision. I've always been impressed by her honesty. It's hard to not succumb to what society deems as "normal". She is actually thinking more of children than most people realize. It is easy to just have a kid, its another to BE a parent. You can't take the job lightly. It is actually way better to admit that you'd be a bad parent and not have kids than to bring a child into this world with no thought whatsoever. I thought for a long time that I'd never have kids because it is a lifetime commitment. That frightened the hell out of me. The idea of being responsible for this person for the was daunting. I entered into the baby making process with a lot of thought. I'm also ok with ONE child. Many people ask me, "Are you having any more?" I'm always like, "no. I'm good". They always seem disappointed when I say that. WHY? It's my right to make that choice I also think it's called being responsible. I know what I can handle and I know what I can't. While I love being a parent, and wouldn't trade this life for anything, I also know that the thought of bearing another child and going through diapers again makes me exhausted in ways I can't explain. Now, to date a man who has children already, and love them as my own, that's a concept I can deal with - But to bear more children...this kitchen is closed.

well, I'm outta thoughts at the moment. Its time to go read. I'm currently reading "Foxfire:confessions of a girl gang" by Joyce Carol Oates. I've read it before, but it was time to read it again. Fantastic piece of fiction of you're at all interested.

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