Saturday, February 6, 2010


Ok, so it's clearly been a few days since I've written. Busy at work, busy at home and frankly to tired to think. lol
So, I'll take a few minutes while my daughter swigs down her cheerios and milk. Gotta love cheerios.
I woke up today with a splitting headache. I don't know what its about, but there is little worse than waking up uncomfortable. I'm hoping the giant cup of tea I'm having right now will take care of that. and maybe some Dayquil for good measure.

Side note - it's tough to write while "Schoolhouse Rock" plays in the background. All I can hear is "Electricity, electricity"...(sigh)

Ok so work. Work is good. busy, but I'm feeling a bit frustrated. I need to try and lay back and just work hard and do it well, but I want to do more, and finding the niche where I fit is tough. There will be potential for opportunity over the next year, but getting there is I guess the hard part. I'm terrible at waiting for things. I want everything yesterday. It's a cross I bear. I'm also dealing with the fact that I work in essentially in a high school. The in office drama is crazy. I'm 36. I'm to old for this shit. The cool kids table the preferential treatment to some and the holding back of others. It's ridiculous. and unnecessary. I think the whole concept of virtual work is better in the sense that there is way less crap to put up with cause you aren't faced with the juvenile behavior of your coworkers. Actually I take that back - I don't want to put down kids. I know kids who behave better. Idiotic behavior is better. The funny thing is even with all the drama, I love my job and i like going to work. Lots of thoughts floating in my head. I spend 8 or more hours a day with these people, I should be able to be friends with whomever I choose. It's funny that senior management doesn't view it the same way. Although they overlook some things...Ugh. I'm rambling now. lol

Well, I gotta get Miss Abby dressed so we can head to Nana's house. I'll be back later. Maybe I'll be more coherent then. lol

1 comment:

  1. You know my sentiments on the proverbial high school in which we work. ;-)
