Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Last night and tonight I had the same dinner and it made me so happy. Food is such an amazing thing. In many instances it's way more than taste. It's mood, moment, memory. Crepes are something I've eaten since childhood. Sitting in my grandmothers kitchen, while she stood at the stove and made me one after another. If you've never eaten one, it's amazing. My grandmother was perfect at making them paper thin, and as she flipped them onto my plate I had eaten it in my mind before I even slathered it in butter, rolled it up with my fork, and devoured it.
I remember my sister and I standing in her kitchen, going through her recipes and watching her make Crepes so we could learn from the master. Honestly it's one of my favorite memories. Learning how hot the pan should be, the flip of the wrist, the amount of batter to put in the pan, all little details that you just can't gain from a book. Standing at the stove with your grandmother makes all the difference.
Eating them tonight, I think I did pretty well. Not exactly like her, but pretty damn close. I think she'd be proud.