Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My child is a klepto

Ok, maybe that's pushing it. But over the weekend, I had an incident occur that actually made my head spin and my eyes water.

I was in the process of cleaning the bathroom and abby came in,(the 3 1/2 yr. old) and wanted to help. I gave her a sponge and let her have at it. Well, at some point she took one of the environmentally friendly cleaners and hid it. Mind you, I live in an apartment. It's big as 2 bedrooms go, but its not huge by any means. I scoured the entire apartment for this bottle of cleaner, and couldn't find it anywhere. I asked abby about it, and she tells me "I can't tell you where it is." Ok, I'm not CIA and this is not an interrogation but COME ON!! Tell me where it is!! "Mommy, you made me sad." and the crying began. I finally gave up after the 4th look under the couch. "mommy, maybe it's under the chair." argh.

Tonight, after I put the peanut in bed, I walk into the bathroom, and laying on the floor is a bottle of cleaner. I couldnt' believe my eyes. I walked into her room and said, "Abby, where did this come from?" "I don't know". At this point, I don't even care. I'm just happy she brought it back to me. But, I am a tad frightened she managed to hide something that big so well.

Maybe there is a future for her in government.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe there is Jen. Maybe she is one of our future CIA or FBI or CSI agents :) -Michele
