Saturday, January 16, 2010

When is it my turn?

So, last night went out had many drinks with some friends. It was a much needed night out since all of us have been in a sad sort of funk - varying levels of frustration and completely unsure of how to fix any of it. We laughed - a lot about everything. Sometimes things aren't funny until someone else is with you. Then suddenly it's all funny and not so hard to handle.

One of the things I was talking about was my mom. I love her dearly and we are very close. She's approaching retirement (my dad already is retired) and I'm starting to wonder at what point will she do something for herself. She has spent the better part of her life living for her kids. I'm interested to see if she stands up for herself and says what SHE wants. Cause frankly I'm afraid for what will happen if she doesn't. I may not be living where I am forever. I might move. I dread the holy hell that will cause. But my thing is at what point do I get to truly live? At what point do I get to make a life decision that involves what is best for me and my child? When can I do that? She expects me to always stay near. Its never about her coming to me. I have to do things on her terms. She is very fearful that I'll move away. and not even because she won't get to see me. It's her fear that she'll not get to see my daughter. I want her to live her life for herself.
I've decided I"m going to write on various sheets of paper this one question.


I'm going to post it in various places all over my parents house. I want them to start thinking about their lives without kids. What is the definition of marriage? of a relationship? What does it mean to have a new lease on life? These are questions we all ask ourselves at varying points. I'm in survival mode right now so overanalzying my future is not beneficial, but for my parents, my mom especially, she needs to live her life without me attached to her hip. and that will be terrifying for her but likely the best thing she could do for herself. Even if she doesn't know it yet.

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