Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh the date

I promised date details. Who am I to disappoint my adoring fans... NEVER! I don't remember if it was on here or in a prior post or in a conversation with friends, but I talked about how all men, all things usually seem great on paper...You talk online and on the phone for a couple weeks and everything seems good. You've seen pictures of this person and it meshes with what you find attractive...and then you meet. Now, this can go one of two ways - it can be amazingly great and you can't wait to see each other again, or it can go south and you both vow silently to never speak again. This date fell in the later category.
He really did seem like a nice guy. Funny, smartish, geeky in a cool kind of way. Attractive to me in again, a geeky kind of way. We met for lunch. Now I knew he had a dog. I'm an animal lover as much as the next person. I love cats and dogs equally (ok maybe dogs slightly more only because I've always grown up with them around) and I think they're awesome. Basically, all we talked about on the date was his dog. "I wonder how the dog is?" "I'm worried that he's going to catch something at doggie daycare." "he's the best dog ever." "Do you want to meet him?" Sure I said. I mean this is an attempt to further get to know this person that I've talked to on the phone right?
So, I followed him to his place (broad daylight people I'm no idiot) and I met the dog. Siberian husky all white. beautiful. This is all I heard, "Isn't he adorable?" "I have to walk him, I"ll be right back." "Isn't he so soft?" "He walked in the other room, I wonder what's wrong." "Do you want to hug him? you can hug him if you want?". Ok, now again, I love animals. But this was just to fucking much. IT"S A DOG. I looked in the dogs eyes and I could tell what he was thinking. "Please tell this dude to leave me the fuck alone. I wanna nap." So, after hanging out for a while and hearing not only how great the dog is, but how AWESOME his apartment is, I made my exit. Honestly, how many times can we talk about the fucking dog? or your apartment? Live outside of your environs. Live outside of your own space. It's not hard. People do it everyday...
I figured I'd hear something from him but I heard nothing. So I sent the "it's not you it's me" email. and who knows, it fucking could be me. I've got flaws. Or, as Ryan once said to a girl, "You don't want to know me. I've got issues."
It just baffles my mind. Never mind the fact that I never thought I'd be dating at 36, but this whole process. It's odd. It's real and false all at the same time. I don't shoot to high, I don't shoot low. I look for men that are within my "get" so to speak. I don't want to ever settle. But I don't expect a an uber fit guy to call me up and say I want you. I know the truth. But I don't get the men who think that there is something better beyond what is in front of them. This idea that around the corner is the PERFECT woman. Guys, she doesn't exist. Even the women in porn aren't perfect. Ask Scottie, he'll tell ya. ;) It's a dream, a falsehood a fairytale shoved into minds across the world. I want something real, I want something substantial and I don't mind flawed. Just be yourself. Be somebody that you recognize, and look for the same in a woman. I don't give a shit that you bungee jumped, or have been to 8 countries or can climb a tree. I want to know whats inside you. What makes you smile, what makes you want to get up every day,and how do you deal with trouble? Can you laugh at yourself? Do you pick on those that aren't perfect? Do you get humbled and do you know the difference between love and lust? These are the things that matter.
I have so much more to say on this topic but my eyes are weary and the elephants living above me are making it hard to think. To be continued...


  1. I would totally talk about my dog too much on a date. I am going to make a mental note that no one cares.

  2. "You can hug him if you want." Oh my GOD. I would have exited at that point. What the hell?

    And yes, we don't give a shit about what they've done. We care about who they ARE.
