Sunday, March 21, 2010

Great weekend

So far it's been a great weekend. Yesterday was one of those those you never want to end. The weather is perfect, with a bit of a breeze. Abby and I went to the park and ran around like silly people. After dragging her from the park, we drove around and she took a nap in the car. The only place she'll nap now for me. In the car. I always love when I drive places and she falls asleep just as I get where I'm going. lol
Anyway, My mom mentioned she wanted to get some yarn, so I texted a great friend who happens to knit, and she googled locations for me. We found a cool little place between and stopped there. Mom is planning on making an Afgan for herself. So after that we headed back to her house, and drew on the driveway with chalk. Such fun. I made a hopscotch but frankly, I did it wrong. I mean this is an easy thing right? How many times as kids did we draw one of these fucking things? Well, I managed to do the boxes wrong. lol. It didn't matter as we had fun and abby hopped all over anyway. We didn't want to go inside one bit. Days like that are absolutely priceless.

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