Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's over Johnny

Dating is difficult at 36. I mean I knew this anyway, but living it is sometimes frustrating. So the guy I've been seeing - yeah my gut and my brain reached the same conclusion finally. Time to end a drawn out "relationship". We both realize that being friends is going to be much better for us than trying to force a relationship to work. We can't make square pegs fit in round holes. I think what frustrates us both the most is that ultimately we both want the same things. We just can't have them right now. Far to many circumstances in life that are in the way. If I could fast forward two years maybe it would have all been different. Maybe it would have been the same. I don't know. I just know that having him as a friend is important to me, so that is something we'll continue. So now its a new set of rules to figure out. How do you truly be friends with someone you dated? I've never had to really deal with this before. What are you allowed and not allowed to talk about? do you set boundaries? Or is it a free for all? I don't know.
So, as is my nature - I started prowling a bit just to see what's out there. Low and behold I met someone else. Go figure. A guy who lives much closer, is funny, smart and hopefully drama free. I know some would ask how can you do that so fast after breaking up? I was broken up with the guy i was dating longer than I was willing to admit - my mind was ready my heart was not. So, we'll see what happens. It could be awesome, it might not be. Either way I continue the quest for a real relationship that satisfies so many things that I miss. My parents feel I need to sit back and wait. That it will all just "happen". I don't agree. In some aspects, there needs to be some work on my part. The right man is not going to fall in my lap. Plus, I know what I'm looking for, I know what I need and so I'll look for it. I'm good on my own, I'm happy to a degree but having someone to share life with is wonderful. A partner in crime is what I miss. Feeling as if you and the person you're with can take on the world. That is powerful stuff.

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