Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some things never change

Yeah...about I had lunch today with two friends that I've known since 8th grade. The story of how we all know each other is long and convoluted. If I have reall time one of these days I'll go through it but here's the short version - we met at church youth group. Granted this was 8th-9th grade, and we did very little serious religious talk. We ate donuts and swore a lot. We had various youth group trips and caused harmless trouble wherever we went.
Kristin, one of the two girls I met today, was (and still is)lucky. She was the one who would dial in for radio contests and ALWAYS win. Like if you wanted tickets to something you called Kristin and she won them for you. It was crazy. That was just her luck. We lost touch for a while, but over the past couple years have since found each other again. She's a great person and hysterical. We found our other old friend through the magic of facebook, and hence today's lunch date. Kristin also has always had balls for lack of a better term. For a long time I could never talk to guys as I didn't have the guts. Kristin on the other hand, she'd do all the talking for you. So as is typical, I made some crack about the waiter being cute. That was all she needed. She managed to write my number down with a "call me" next to it for the waiter. I almost died. I"m 36 and in that moment I felt 15. Granted we laughed pretty hard about it, but I wanted to crawl into the floor. For god's sake he was likely way to young for me anyway. Like I even had a shot!!! LOL She kills me. So while I realized some people/things never change, I'm actually glad about that. I drive around and see things missing all the time that I used to love, or I used to go to, so it's nice to have some constants left.

My little peanut came home today from spending the weekend with dad. I missed her. Her hugs are the best. We read books, did horsey rides, and made each other laugh. She really amazes me and I can't believe she's going to be 4. Kristin said to me today, "Just wait till she goes to kindergarten, it's all over then." I can't even stomach the thought. School. Yikes.

A project of sorts is coming - me. A project of me. I need to start moving. The big E word - exercise. Typically moving a fork to my mouth is what I'm expert in however I need to do WAY more than that. I need to start by walking. and even if all I end up doing for the rest of my life is walking three to four times a week as a regular routine, that would be a milestone for me. See i go in and out when it comes to exercise. Push me to do it, as my ex used to, and I go the other way - i say fuck you I'm not doing it. Which i know is childish and counterproductive but true. My mom sometimes will mention it as well and again, it pushes me the opposite way. I almost need it to be completely silent for me to get motivated. Sounds weird, silly even, but when there are no voices in my head telling me what to do with my body I tend to move much better. I tend to be more motivated. The support of my friends - that's different. I need that the same way I need water. They push me in a positive way. Other than that, silence really is bliss.
So, that's on the horizon. Which means I need new sneakers.

1 comment:

  1. Walking 3-4 times a week is AWESOME exercise. I think that's a great and really very realistic goal. You're hitting the right season, too, where there is daylight and warmth coming.

    I will do with you any time. I have lots of great walks all over the place. Just be forewarned, I walk almost as fast as I run. ;-)
