Saturday, February 27, 2010


VIB...a term I will use frequently. Very Important Bitches. Yes folks that's what it means. Two of my oldest friends and I refer to each other in this loving way. I saw them both today and it was good. It's nice to hang out with people who know everything about you and still like you. One of them, Amanda (who is likely reading this) is moving to GA in about a month. Gina and I will miss her terribly. We know its for the best, it is what will make Amanda happiest, but we selfishly want her to stay. But being the friends that we are, we'd never make her stay. We love her to much for that. So, it gives us an excuse to plan a girls weekend and go visit. We want her to be happy and that's all we've ever wanted. So Kernal, go get em. :)

Currently I'm watching The Black Crowes on dvd. I've seen them many times live, so this is to tide me over until they come around again. I've got to say, they are lovely. I know there are many of you who feel they are hippie rock, and out of touch, etc. but I love them. The blues rock style, the emotion in Chris Robinsons voice will always make me happy in my heart. See, if a man could sing like that in my ear, I'd melt right into the floor. Literally. I'd likely be his forever. lol Something about that growl, that deep feeling that just makes the hair on my neck stand up. Like listening to Al Green sing or Sam Cooke, or Aretha Franklin. I mean certain songs just make you melt or feel empowered or strong or weepy. I'm always so impressed by those who have the talent to create music and write lyrics and compose something that can move people or an entire generation. Like sometimes hearing one song takes you to a place in life that you haven't been in a long time. Depending upon the situation, it can make you feel good, or it can bring you to a place of pain. Either way, its a memory- and as I've always said, it's all about the memories.

Oh an update on the job thing - it appears it's going to happen. So one step sideways to climb up the stairs. Management is supportive, and it appears it's truly the right time. So in about a month I should be back in licensing. Which is more my home I think.

and as for the life choices - I had a full on meltdown this week - and I laid out for the guy I'm dating all the things I need in order for this to work. So, now it's up to him to put some action behind his ideas. Otherwise, they are just that, ideas. I need to feel emotionally connected to someone in order to be able to put up with the bullshit that exists - working all the time, not going out, not doing stuff. If you give me something to hold onto, then maybe I can hang, and I can make it worth it. But if you give me nothing - that's when the eyes/mind/heart start to wander. It's just the truth. I'm not ready to let him go, but if he doesn't give me more, then it's time to move on. So, we'll chapter please....

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