Monday, February 15, 2010


There are far to many. I'm not talking about the day to day stuff - that's done on autopilot. I'm talking about life changing choices. You meet someone great, you're together for a while then while in the middle of something good, an old fix comes back to tempt you.
It should be easy. It should be simple to say I'm in a relationship who cares about the old flame? The thing is, if the sex hadn't been great, this choice would be easier. That's the bottom line. If sex is terrible you can always tell that person to go knock on someone elses door - someone who cares a lot less about bedroom quality. I on the other hand put high stock in how I get satisfied. I know, TMI for many of you, but let's be honest here - IT"S IMPORTANT. To say otherwise is a lie. I don't want to compromise that. A lifetime of shitty sex is no way to live. and I'm not saying the current situation is shitty sex - it's good. I want great. So while the dating situation I'm in right now is good, there are little things nagging at my gut. and this really pisses me off cause my gut is always right. You ever want your gut to be wrong? You ignore it, pretend you're hearing things or not really feeling it, but ultimately, your gut makes itself heard. I like the guy I'm dating. He's nice, smart, he's funny and sweet to me, and takes care of me....but...ah the proverbial BUT....what to do.
I pushed off the temptor for at least a week. He isn't offering me any more than just sex and a "maybe". Ultimately that's not enough to make me ruin something great I have started. I don't know where the current dating situation is going to go, but for right now, it's as much as we can both handle. But there is something missing. My gut is telling me so no matter how much I want to ignore it.
I should be able to just say "no" right? Why is that not the case? Why can't I do that? I haven't seen him in 9 months, and only just recently texted - but the texting suggestions were enough to make my mind wander. Choices. Such a bitch and never as cut and dry as you think.
As I stated in a prior post, I'm terrible at waiting for what I want. That's half the issue here. I know what I want, I know what I need. I don't want to wait for it. I want it now. So far, no one is offering that up. Which makes me look around corners and over my shoulder for what's next, and what's behind.

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