Thursday, January 6, 2011

How sick are you? Really?

I'm feelin' irritated. Typically I'm a low key relaxed person. Most everything rolls off my back. My mother once marveled at the fact that I could be so relaxed. I think she felt that something was wrong with me. lol
But here and there things piss me off and make me irritated. I usually talk it out with friends, and move on. On the rare occasion I get really angry - it ain't pretty. Most people run for cover and look at me like I have two heads. I can count on my hand the times in my life where I've been that mad.
Right now I'm just irritated. possibly disgusted. I don't understand people who don't regard work as a privledge. No one HAS to give you a job and keep you there. They could fire you and throw all your collectible batman figurines out in the parking lot.
My work ethic has several layers, but the main one is - GO TO WORK. I only stay out if I"m sick. I don't mean fake sick *cough,cough* I'm at the beach with a beer sick, I mean holding onto the toilet, I feel like I"m going to die right here in the bathroom sick. It baffles me the number of people that I work with who seem to feel that calling out of work for ANY reason is ok. God, I must seem like such an idiot to people. I actually give a shit about my coworkers and how my calling out will effect the team!! Am I outdated? Is there some set of new work rules in place that I've not been made a aware of?
We all go through things - tough times, sheer exhaustion, etc. but at the end of the day, someone, albeit high up the food chain, is asking YOU to do a JOB for MONEY. You have an obligation to that person/company to show up and WORK. This does not mean show up and text all day long - this does not mean multiple personal phone calls followed by aimless wandering of the halls of your employer. It means you DO something. Preferably something productive. Something that has a means to an end.
Now this is not everyone of course. The majority of people I work with are hard workers and diligent, smart people with goals and aspirations. Its those that have little regard for the whole that frustrate me. You are not entitled to a job. Do you know how many people are out of work? You are replacable at a moments notice. Do you know what its like to not receive a paycheck? For some it will happen and it will be the harshest blow - because it is likely they will never look at themselves as the problem. It will always be someone elses fault for why they failed to achieve what they thought they were entitled to.
I don't want people to be perfect. I just want people to show the fuck up. Get your ass out of bed and SHOW UP. I have plenty of days where I"m "too tired" or my stomach hurts or whatever. I still SHOW UP, and sometimes, imagine this - I WORK LATE.
I'm not saying I"m perfect. There are days where I feel sluggish, unproductive and even wander a bit. I make mistakes and I sometimes forget things. It happens. But I care about my job and who I work for. I must be crazy.

Ok so work venting is over. I feel a bit better. Still slightly ornery but not to bad...on to grammar school venting....

I found out more info. about school for the peanut. I love that the concept of half day kindergarten is exactly that - a concept. a fucking pipe dream in my book. In what way does 2hrs and 50 minutes constitute HALF DAY K??? LOL I honestly laughed out loud when I read that. Thousands of parents work 8-10 hours a day! and most of us have had our kids in full day preschool or daycare since they were babies. By the time kindergarten comes around they are Sooo ready for it! It's almost an injustice that every town doesn't offer it. I know the old argument - resources, lack of resources, money, resources..blah,blah. It would be such a benefit to parents, kids and the local economy I would think. I'm well aware however that school budgets these days are being cut back farther and farther from what they once were. I just wish "half day" actually MEANT that.
There is one school who does extended day - 8am to 12noon. That is just about as close to half day as one can get. So there is still a lot of questions about before school care, after school care, which school, etc. Tours of each school will be needed for sure. So much planning...

So it goes. I've been listening to The Avett Brothers alot. LOVE them. There is a line in one of their songs that goes "Decide what to be and go be it." That keeps running through my head. Decisions. Making them and sticking to them, moving forward to achieve what you decided to do. Not sure how to apply it to my life, but I'm working on it. See what I just said there? Man I'm funny.

One last detail, I just recently downloaded Anthony Bourdain's new book. He is irreverent and insanely smart; not to mention an old school punk with a deep love for food. His books are soooo entertaining. Check them out please! You won't be disappointed.

Oh one more final, final detail - so the other night I watched a french movie. Yes, actually in french with english subtitles. It was amazing. It's called "A Very Long Engagement" with Audrey Tautou. It is a mystery but a love story and a history lesson. It is the year 1919 and Mathilde was 19. two years earlier her fiance' left for the front lines at Somme. he was said to be killed on the field of battle. She refuses to believe it. She clings to this belief, and tracks the truth. There are flashbacks to the battlefield, stories told from different perspectives and the way the film was shot was beautiful. Anyway, I watched it on TV, but had missed the beginning. I couldn't stop thinking about it. So i went to Amazon and bought it. I know, who buys dvd's anymore..well, me. lol Then i got the directors prior film "Amelie" which is supposed to also be epicly great. They came in the mail today. I think, tomorrow, when it's snowing out, this is what I'll be watching.

After work of course.

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