Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Elephants above me

I need to gripe. I live in an apartment building. 4 floors. I'm on the 3rd. Now I'm well aware that part of the "joy" of apartment living is that there are occasions where you will hear your neighbors. I myself have a child so I'm sure the people living below me have had to endure the running feet of my child. However my kid is in bed by 9!!!
The neighbors above me frequently stop around, and let their child run and jump as if he's having sugar fits. and sometimes it's at 11 at night....REALLY?!?! Doesn't your kid need to go to bed? Don't they need their sleep?!?! Cause I fucking do! As I type this, it's now 9:56. It sounds like a bowling match is going on up there. I have been that tenant that bangs on the ceiling only once. They drive me crazy. It makes me miss having a house.
I used to live in a house when I was married. It wasn't big, it was sorta small actually, but I did love it. I decorated it the way I wanted the house to feel to guests who walked in the door. Many friends had told me that the kitchen felt like home - like their grandmothers house. Which was fine with me, cause I wanted it to be a place where you could sit down and relax, have a chat, cup of tea, etc. The backyard was great, with a pool. We had a lot of fun there. I planted a ton of flowers, all of which i loveingly cared for. Granted after abby it was harder to do, and as the marriage fell apart, so did a lot of other things. But I miss having my own space. You know what I'm talking about - you leave work, drive home, and as you pull in the driveway, you feel yourself relax and are thankful that you are home. Thats something I miss. Having a back yard to lounge in. A grill!! I miss having a fucking grill! I miss making steak, and hot dogs and all those awesome things that only taste good on a grill. I miss SILENCE. God not having to hear the fucking elephants above me would be awesome.
Someday, I'll have another house. Someday I'll have the things I dream about when I fall asleep. It sounds overly romantic - and you all know how I am about romance - but it's true. I dream of a walk in closet, and a real soaking tub. Some people dream about other things, I on occasion dream of closets and tubs. Then sex. or sometimes the other way around...ANYWAY...the point here is that I want a home again. I'd like it to be with the boyfriend and his kids. They make me happy - HE makes me happy. I think he would like that as well even though he may not know how to say that to me.
Although, he did tell me he likes me more than

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