Friday, June 25, 2010

Do I look like an idiot to you?

Interesting little tale to tell that happened about a year ago but resurfaces again this week. Yeah the douchebags are out again. Must be summer.
I've talked before about the whole online dating thing and the vapidness that exists there. I have met some really nice people through those sites but I've also met a mixed bag of idiots. For a short time I was on a single parent dating site. The idea being that while sometimes tough to date a parent with kids, here, at this site, you can meet a likeminded soul...or bump into the soulless if that's your ilk.
One day i got a message from a seemingly normal man.( I know, I've said this before and somehow I continue to give people the benefit of the doubt.)
He said he was english and had moved to the US about a year before. Working to provide a better life for his son - who was living in England with his mother. WHAT? that alone confused me, and some of the other nice things he said to me seemed to pat. I couldn't put my finger on it, but my gut was talking to me and I've learned to listen. So for entertainment purposes I played along. I figured it might be fun to see what other crap he had to say.
Sure enough, as days passed his life story got more weepy. Then out of nowhere I got, "I need to fly to England my mother is sick." So at this point I'm wondering when the extortion question will appear. Sure enough, within a day I get this message: "I need $600 for special cancer medications for my mother. I'm sure WE'LL figure it out. Let me know how much you can send me." I was laughing. Cause I knew this was coming. It's funny how even online you can feel the deceit a mile away. I was also laughing cause if he had really known me, he would have known I was the last person anyone would ask for money from. lol
I responded by letting him know he was a complete moron and I wouldn't be giving him any money. He goes, "you seem mad." At that point I gave him the go pound sand speech.
Just the other day this man showed up on facebook of all places. He showed up in my "suggestions" list. I ignored it. Then I get a message this week that goes like this:

"Hi Princess,
How are you doing ? How long have you joined this site and how long have you been single ? Whatcha looking for on here ? I am single and i am looking for a serious and long term thing. I have been single for the past 4years since i lost my ex. Distance and age means nothing to me in seeking for the right woman. get back to me if you are still interested in me. Stephen"

So as you see, some of the text is choppy, the story is off, and he's now using a completely different name than before!! But the complete dope that he is, he's using the SAME photo he used on the single parent dating site. Idiot. Here's my response.

"hmm..this is amusing. So now your name is Stephen? I seem to recall from prior emails I have that your name was "John Petkus". You obviously aren't a very good criminal because you are using the exact same photo as you did when you were "John".

I'm currently in a relationship with a real man, someone who truly treats me with respect, kindness and love.

So, to answer your question - no I'm not interested in you Stephen...or whatever your name is."

Needless to say I haven't heard back. lol I think what I find most sad is there are women out there who likely have fallen for whatever sob story he's made up and have actually sent him money not knowing at all who they are dealing with - a low life criminal. It is one thing to want to meet someone and have a lasting relationship. When you are driven to find a relationship, and its all based on a feeling desperateness, that is when you leave yourself open for hunters.
I've been lucky to have found a real relationship that started with an online conversation. For many, it is not that successful.
Just remember ladies, if they ask for your credit card they aren't interested in how you feel about politics, the movies or sex. You are only a money score. But good luck. Good men do exist online - there just happens to be a boatload of shit to wade through.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, I have been contacted by this individual and have since told him, about all the information i have found on the internet about him, I would love to trade phots and info if you still have them. I want to nail his bottom to the wall. For being so careless. thanks Please contact me
