Sunday, October 21, 2012

Women of the world unite!

It was a 70 degree day today. Crazy that the end of October is closing with t-shirt weather. Thank you Global Warming. So much going on.... While I typically keep my political leanings to myself, these days my level of disgust with the political landscape is palpable. Partically with the discussions on womens rights. Which is amusing to me in the sense that why MEN are discussing what WE as WOMEN get to do with our bodies is just craziness. I'm not talking about just the election either - I'm talking about politicians making my rights as a woman their priority. So many times I've wanted to scream at the TV "Who the fuck do you think you are?" As a woman I deserve to have the opportunity to make decisions about myself and my body without legislation looking over my shoulder to say NO you can't do that. No one should tell me, option A and B are available to you, there is option C, but the government has banned that choice. Then how the fuck is it CHOICE if you've banned it? That is the entire premise behind being pro-choice - and not just abortion but everything in life! We are a nation of choosers. We have the freedoms we have because our forefathers decided that we did not have the choices we wanted. The Freedom to live and worship and work in a way we wanted. Even if you never use the options available to you, the fact that they exist is exactly the foundation this country was built upon. CHOICE. Option is what makes freedom wonderful. I have a vagina, a man does not. Until a man has a vagina, experiences a period and gives birth to a child, he has NO RIGHT to tell me how to care for my body. I certainly don't walk around telling men how to care for their dick. Along the line of this, the words of Senator Todd Akin “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” are disturbing - you'd think he was a caveman. Never mind the fact that scientifically this is IMPOSSIBLE but it is also RIDICULOUS!!! The female body is an amazing mix of function and design, however if it were able to "shut things down" don't you think we'd have chosen that for other things? Like I don't know...say..the PERIOD??? I mean if my body had the capability to do that I'd be thrilled! Do you think women want to get their aunt flo every month?!? So to even suggest that the female body can differentiate rape is asinine. As many have said since those statements, rape is rape. It is horrible no matter how it occurs. Women should be able to vist any facility they want to, and be treated like human beings as opposed to victims. It seems to me Mr. Akin would prefer to keep us locked in a basement somewhere and fed food and water once a week. We women are better seen and not heard right Mr. Akin? Don't get me wrong - I'm not against Republicans. I have always said that if a republican candidate emerges who meshes with my views and the democratic contender stinks, I'd happily vote republican. But I have yet to see a republican who treats me, a citizen of this great nation with respect and concern. Until that day, I vote with whom aligns most with what I believe it. Regardless of who you cast your vote for, make sure you've done the research and they are helping you not hurting you. Because depending upon who you vote for, the rights you enjoy today may be gone in 6months.

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